Carima Neusser
In the performance Carima Neusser and her mother together look how they have influenced each other, their life choices, goals and dreams. They both share a passion for dance. The performance is inspired by memorable dance moments that the two have shared together: dancing together to Bob Marley in the kitchen, improvisations in the living room, dancing in clubs together as wells as watching dance documentaries, concerts and interviews.
In the performance two solos are danced parallel to each other. One solo is shown on a projected screen and the second solo takes place on stage. The solos intertwine and respond to each other investigating their interrelation. Neusser is using lights, projections and movement to explore an artistic relationship with her mother.
Don’t think just dance
– Marina Neusser
The performance was presented as a part of the project Local Role Models, an interdisciplinary project where artists and curators from Egypt, Sweden, and Syria carried out collective and individual investigations into how we can think differently about heroes and stars. Who are the real heroes in our lives? Are they the people who appear in the media? Or are they the people we meet in our everyday who have a real influence on our values, goals, and existences?
Choreography: Carima Neusser
Created with and performed by: Carima Neusser and Marina Neusser
Live sound by: Per Hüttner
Rawabat Theatre, Cairo, Egypt, January, 2022
Produced by: Out of the Circle (EG), Vision Forum (SE), and AllArtNow (SE).
Funded by: The Swedish Institute